A Message From Your Chairman

Welcome to Andover Rugby Club and the 2022/2023 Season. We have a challenging year ahead with the start postponed due to the extremely dry start and our pitches as hard as concrete and in need of some water to enable the pitch maintenance expenditure to be not completely wasted. The rains have come and the grass is growing once again.

Big thanks to our Saturday volunteers who spend endless hours keeping the pitches and our grounds in the best condition we can achieve (Steve Clarke, Joe Craven, David Griffiths, Simon Pape, Jamie Cockerell & Shaun Rule).

We have had a change to the Exec committee this season with last year’s President Shaun Rule standing down (thanks to Shaun for years of service). Past player, Captain and Chairman Jim Howcroft has been elected as President. Three new members Sarah Dunne elected Academy Chair, Michael Francis Pollin Head of Education & Development and returning Carl Sievewright as PR & Sponsorship.

We are experiencing extreme increase in costs in running the club and regrettably have had to increase all membership levels from Senior men to £300.00 a year, Students and Ladies £150.00 the Academy U6 £84.00, U7-U12 £108.00 and U13-Colts £120.00.

We have introduced a ‘Supporters membership’ which is £75.00 per year and have reduce the Pre-match Supporters lunches to a total of 6 including our Christmas Dinner and would like to increase our numbers coming to the games and also the dinners.

2022 – Saturday 24 th September v Basingstoke, Saturday 15 th October v Jersey Atheletic, 10 TH December Christmas Dinner 2023 – 21 st January v Portsmouth, 18 th February v Trojans and final game of season Saturday 11 th March v Eastleigh

We are always looking to bring more people in to help, our parents, volunteers and coaches have been fantastic, but every year we need to build on the success of last year. We are also looking for more sponsorship across the whole club to bring in much needed funds to keep the club running in these difficult times with costs increasing week on week.

We still aim to keep the Club as one of premier clubs in the county, improve our facilities and deliver all the skills and values that rugby can give to all ages (male and female) with whatever resource we can provide.

Good luck in the 2022 / 2023 Season ahead!